Puerto Rico Joins the Cost of Living Index

The upcoming collection period marks Puerto Rico’s third consecutive quarter of participation in C2ER’s Cost of Living Index. Researchers in San Juan first implemented COLI methodology in the second quarter of 2014 and recently began utilizing the Cost of Living Index Calculator. The Calculator is an easy-to-use tool which allows researchers, businesses, governments, and individuals […]

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GASB State Tax Incentive Rule


Beginning in 2017, those interested in incentives and tax abatement expenditures spending will likely have access to significantly more data than is currently available. The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), the independent organization which “establishes financial accounting and reporting standards for state and local governments,” is asking for public comments on a proposed change to current standards for property and tax abatement agreements.

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LMI Institute and CREC Host Data-Sharing Workshop


The Labor Market Information Institute, in collaboration with The Center for Regional Economic Competitiveness and the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, led the Sharing State Employment Records for Policy Analysis, Research, and Evaluation: A Workshop on Principles and Practice at the Pew Charitable Trusts on Friday, November 14th.  The workshop supports research the LMI Institute and […]

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State Business Incentives Database Debuts New User Site


The Council for Community and Economic Research has launched the newest iteration of the State Business Incentives Database website. New features make finding up-to-date information on state incentive programs even easier for economic developers, business development finance professionals, economic researchers, and other users.

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Incentives in the News: The Brookings Institute and Job Incentives


A recently released report from the Brookings Institute highlights the most promising ways they believe cities, states, and regions can move forward in attracting businesses and creating jobs in a responsible and fair way. The study also confirms analysis done by C2ER of the State Business Incentives Database.

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Simplifying Data Overload Using Indicators


At the 2014 Association of Public Data Users (APDU) Conference, held on September 16th and 17th in Arlington, VA, the session “Simplifying Data Overload Using Indicators” explored how a wide variety of organizations are working to make data more accessible to lay users. These organizations are accomplishing this by making data “human readable” through synthesizing […]

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C2ER Participates in Census Bureau’s LED Workshop


C2ER staffers Sarah Gutschow, Ron Kelly, and Haden Springer joined more than 350 workforce and economic development researchers and practitioners at the Census Bureau’s Local Employment Dynamics (LED) Workshop, held in Washington, D.C. on September 9th-10th. Through a combination of interactive presentations, expert panels, and demonstrations, workshop participants gained exposure to various ways LED data […]

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Take Part in the Data Revolution at the APDU Annual Conference


The Association of Public Data Users (APDU) Annual Conference will take place on September 16-17 in Arlington, VA. Almost 200 thought leaders from educational institutions; the business community; and federal, state and local governments will be attending this annual event. Many of the panel discussions, breakout sessions, and “lightning” talks will address topics of major […]

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