LMI Institute Training in Sacramento
On July 29th and 30th, the LMI Institute held its latest training session in Sacramento, CA. The training covered two different economic analysis topics: Cluster Mapping and the Basics of Economic Impact Analysis. Over twenty participants spent two days learning about these topics through a variety of presentations, group exercises and other interactive activities.
On July 29th, Sarah Jane Maxted and Jenny Zhao of Harvard Business School instructed participants about the U.S. Cluster Mapping Project, a national economic initiative that aims to strengthen U.S. competitiveness by understanding the economic performance of clusters and regions across the U.S. This training was previously held in Boston, MA in June. The upcoming official launch event for the new U.S. Cluster Mapping website will take place at Mapping the Midwest Future: Regional Innovation Clusters and Competitiveness on September 29-30, 2014.
The Economic Impact Analysis session on the second day of the training featured a presentation and instructive exercises taught by Dr. David Peters of Iowa State University and Dr. Martin Romitti of the Center for Regional Economic Competitiveness. The pair introduced participants to key concepts used to assess the economic spin-off resulting from projects or programs. They also provided an overview of the input-output framework and available commercial software that could help assess impacts.
For more information about past and upcoming C2ER and LMI Institute training opportunities, click here!