The Senate passed the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), a bipartisan bill to reauthorize the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). The WIOA aims to streamline federal workforce programs and overhaul the job training system for young people with disabilities.
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C2ER released the Cost of Living Index (COLI) first quarter 2014 report in late May. Among the 288 urban areas that participated in the First Quarter 2014 Cost of Living Index, the after-tax cost for a professional/managerial standard of living ranged from more than twice the national average in New York (Manhattan), NY to almost […]
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The Council for Community and Economic Research (C2ER) recently updated its State Economic Development Program Expenditures Database as part of a continuous effort to track investments in economic development across all fifty states. The database now includes all Governor Recommended Budgets for fiscal year 2015.
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C2ER has awarded their 2014 Applied Community Research Awards.
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John Thompson, Census Bureau Director discussed the American Community Survey at the 54th Annual Conference of the Council for Community and Economic Research’s (C2ER).
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Sarah Jane Maxted from the U.S. Cluster Mapping Project discusses an upcoming training class, Cluster Mapping for Economic Development.
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View photos of C2ER’s 54th Annual Conference, in Pittsburgh PA.
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A round-up of this week’s legislative news in economic, workforce, and education-related data.
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Friends of BLS releases first member list
APDU, in partnership with a number of other organizations, has launched the Friends of BLS group to support the mission of the Bureau of Labor Statistics and educate the public and decision-makers on the agency’s work. The group has 30+ entities signed on as supporters.
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States have been giving film incentives for over 20 years. Louisiana was a pioneer in this area, introducing a motion picture incentive in 1992, subsequently expanded in 2002.
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