Managing Data Challenges


Data is one of the key elements of the Smart Incentives 4×4 framework that enables communities to make sound investment decisions. Unfortunately, good data on how well incentive programs work is often lacking. This lack of data hinders both economic development professionals in their day-to-day work and policymakers in their leadership and oversight roles.

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LMI Institute Training in Sacramento


On July 29th and 30th, the LMI Institute held its latest training session in Sacramento, CA. The training covered two different economic analysis topics: Cluster Mapping and the Basics of Economic Impact Analysis. Over twenty participants spent two days learning about these topics through a variety of presentations, group exercises and other interactive activities.

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White House Signs WIOA, Releases Inter-Agency Training Plan

President Obama signed the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) into law on July 22nd, after overwhelming approval in the House and Senate. WIOA is the most significant reform  of federal job training programs in more than 15 years. The majority of WIOA provisions will become effective on July 1, 2015, the first full program year […]

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Examining Historic Tax Credits


An old shoe factory in St. Paul is transformed into an LEED-certified affordable housing structure. Across the river in Minneapolis a disused library building becomes a neighborhood career and technology center. These are just two of the projects benefiting from the Minnesota Historic Structure Rehabilitation State Tax Credit.

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House Passes the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

The U.S. House of Representatives passed with bipartisan support the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) 415-6. The legislation, authored by Senators Harkin, Alexander, Murray, and Isakson and Representatives Kline, Miller, Foxx, and Hinojosa, was previously approved by the Senate, 95-3. The legislation is now set to become law upon the President’s signature. Read on […]

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LMI Institute Expands Membership Opportunities


In 2013, the LMI Institute board of directors announced a name change, removing “Training” from its name, to better reflect the range of training, research, program management, and partnership facilitation services it offers the national labor market information (LMI) infrastructure.  The Institute also adopted new mission and vision statements, which emphasize its support for the […]

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C2ER Attends SelectUSA Summer Forum


C2ER staffer Wen Sun attended the SelectUSA Summer Forum  held in Washington, DC on June 17th, where Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker unveiled the newly designed Access Costs Everywhere (ACE) framework, one of the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC)’s tools to assist manufacturers and other businesses investing in the United States. Secretary Pritzker also discussed the […]

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COLI Q1 2014 Data Released

C2ER released the Cost of Living Index (COLI) first quarter 2014 report in late May. Among the 288 urban areas that participated in the First Quarter 2014 Cost of Living Index, the after-tax cost for a professional/managerial standard of living ranged from more than twice the national average in New York (Manhattan), NY to almost […]

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