Dr. Angela Jackson opened C2ER’s panel entitled Gender, Race, and Ethnicity: The impact of COVID-19 on the Labor Market Recession and Recovery. Dr. Jackson has led New Profit’s Future of Work Initiative, a movement seeking to close the career-readiness gap for Americans from low-income backgrounds. She recently launched a $6 million Future of Work Grand […]
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During the past 12 months, the Council for Community and Economic Research, YOUR professional membership organization, has been hard at work increasing the visibility of economic, workforce, and community research by advocating for higher quality data, promoting more focused public and private investments in local data, and continuing to strengthen C2ER products and services. We […]
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Akin to the spirit of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), the 2016 C2ER Annual Conference and LMI Institute Forum bring together economic and workforce development practitioners to enable the development of data- and job-driven strategies that foster local and regional economic growth. At the Conference and Forum, you will have many opportunities to learn from peers from across the country about their experiences, lessons, and successes related to WIOA implementation.
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A survey from the Chronicle of Higher Education shows that government and nonprofit employers have a more-difficult time with recent-graduate hires. Most of the issues cited involve “soft skills.” Of the 700 employers in the survey who offered feedback on specific troubles they experienced with recent grads, most mentioned communication and critical thinking. Specifically, the […]
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At the 2014 Association of Public Data Users (APDU) Conference, held on September 16th and 17th in Arlington, VA, the session “Simplifying Data Overload Using Indicators” explored how a wide variety of organizations are working to make data more accessible to lay users. These organizations are accomplishing this by making data “human readable” through synthesizing […]
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The Association of Public Data Users (APDU) Annual Conference will take place on September 16-17 in Arlington, VA. Almost 200 thought leaders from educational institutions; the business community; and federal, state and local governments will be attending this annual event. Many of the panel discussions, breakout sessions, and “lightning” talks will address topics of major […]
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View photos of C2ER’s 54th Annual Conference, in Pittsburgh PA.
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