An old shoe factory in St. Paul is transformed into an LEED-certified affordable housing structure. Across the river in Minneapolis a disused library building becomes a neighborhood career and technology center. These are just two of the projects benefiting from the Minnesota Historic Structure Rehabilitation State Tax Credit.
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The Council for Community and Economic Research (C2ER) recently updated its State Economic Development Program Expenditures Database as part of a continuous effort to track investments in economic development across all fifty states. The database now includes all Governor Recommended Budgets for fiscal year 2015.
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Based on early releases, FY2015 State Budgets include new funding and some major funding increases for economic development financing, especially venture capital, accelerator, and research and development programs. Here are highlights from MA, WV, and TN.
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Based on early releases, FY2015 State Budgets include new funding and some major funding increases for economic development financing, especially venture capital, accelerator, and research and development programs.
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