Data Insights Roundtable: Policy Development from Inception to Implementation

2:00 pm EST

In partnership with ETA and the PMP, the LMI Institute is proud to launch a new virtual series, the Data Insights Roundtable to convene LMI data producers and users and learn from one another. The first segment of this series will feature the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development (NJDOL). The New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development (NJDOL) is excited to demonstrate the collaborative efforts of its Offices of Research and Policy, which work together to develop, build, and run evidence-based agency policies, programs and services dedicated to protecting New Jersey’s workforce, strengthening its businesses, and promoting the dignity of work.

This presentation will highlight how, together, we:

  • Foster a culture of evidence-based decision-making within a state agency.
  • Identify key policy issues and formulate policy recommendations grounded in evidence.
  • Set-up cross-functional teams to analyze complex issues and develop the most impactful solutions.
  • Leverage data to steer and establish equity-driven and customer-centric outcomes.


Christine Blumauer, Executive Director of Policy, New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development

Nicol Nicola, Director of Economic and Demographic Research (EDR) at the New Jersey Department of Labor