2021 COLI County is now available!

2021 COLI County is now available!

The Council for Community and Economic Research (C2ER) just released the latest issue of the COLI County level index. Recently, C2ER made this publication an optional member benefit to expand our growing network, and allow COLI County purchasers a way to gain remote access and more easily renew!

About COLI County:

C2ER’s County Level Cost of Living Index is based on an econometric model that identifies key determinants of an area’s cost of living.

Get your issue in two ways:

COLI website price: $425

How: Scroll down and select “County level index” on the left and select “purchase”.

Basic C2ER membership: $345

How: Purchase a membership and select County Level Index as an add-on benefit.

Additional benefits to purchasing this way: