Upcoming Applied Analyst Training in Montgomery, AL
The LMI Institute and C2ER are offering an opportunity for researchers to stretch their analytical muscles by participating in the two and half day advanced analyst training session in Montgomery, AL. This workshop, which will be held September 23rd to 25th, will teach skills in the analysis of regional economic and labor market data through hands-on application. Through group work and active participation, attendees will learn effective ways to access data sources and valuable techniques for regional analysis. Throughout the training, participants will apply these skills to build information on a single region and better understand the factors driving its economic and workforce development.
Participants will also learn about methods to help answer questions related to key industries, future workforce needs, higher education graduates, and commuting patterns. Tips for structuring information in tables and charts for public presentations are also provided. As a capstone to this training, participants will present team findings about their assigned regions.
More information about this course can be found on the C2ER website or by contacting Mark White (mwhite@crec.net).