Monthly Series
The Economic Impact and Potential of Community Resilience

2:00 pm EDT

Many important decisions are driven by taking risks, and people are interested in learning how to mitigate risks to make better choices. Climate change is amplifying the risks of loss throughout the US and as hazards increase, our society develops in vulnerable ways. This result is leading to increasing disaster impacts and mounting costs that governments and insurance companies struggle to manage, meaning that local communities and economies must shoulder these rising costs. However, there’s a benefit in investing in community resilience which yields big returns with a Benefit-Cost Ratio of over 4:1. So why aren’t we making more progress as a nation? The answer lies in two key areas: identifying where to invest our limited resources to reduce risk most effectively and training a workforce to carry out this vital work. The growing demand for these types of resilience services is driving the growth of new jobs and businesses, and smart companies and communities are investing in the present and future through community resilience planning. Data from US Dept of Commerce, NIST, NOAA, and several other federal government, academic, and foundational resources will be shared.