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Monday June 1, 2020
- Introduction, Welcome and Opening Keynote
Tuesday June 2, 2020
- Preparing for an Automated World
- Now, Next, Later: Career Pathways, Digital Skills, and Career Awareness
- The Urgency of Real-Time Data
Wednesday June 3, 2020
- LMI Workforce Researchers Roundtable
- Economic Outlook Keynote: Assessing the Economic Damage
Thursday June 4, 2020
- Tracking the Impact of COVID-19 on Businesses
Friday June 5, 2020
Welcome to the professional development event of the year for economic and workforce development researchers!
The C2ER 61st Annual Conference/LMI Institute Annual Forum was held virtually June 7-11, 2021. The theme this year was The Great Pivot: Reinvention for Recovery and Resilience. With this theme, we hoped to capture a diverse range of economic and workforce development perspectives that illustrate how your research has responded to the unexpected in 2020 and prepares for the future.