Applied Economic and Fiscal Impact Analysis

Arlington, VA

1550 Wilson Blvd, Arlington VA, 22209 (2nd floor)

Preliminary Agenda


This 2-day course builds the technical know-how and analytical capacities that community and economic development researchers need to better understand the economic spin-off and fiscal consequences of their projects and programs. Working both independently and in groups, participants will use advanced software applications to conduct economic and fiscal impact analyses for a variety of case scenarios. Training participants will also learn effective strategies for interpreting results and communicating findings to key decision makers. Through hands-on exercises and engaging discussions, participants will master the following skills:

  • Knowledge of key concepts and the rationale for conducting impact studies
  • Necessary data requirements for a study
  • Estimating benefits
  • Recognition of available impact analysis software models (e.g., RIMS II, IMPLAN, REMI, Lightcast, JobsEQ, etc.)
  • Avoiding pitfalls of impact studies
  • Demonstrating economic and fiscal impact situations in the real world
  • Preparing and presenting fiscal impact analyses
  • Other uses of impact models to understand your economy

Target Audience:
This course is designed for intermediate to advanced community and economic development researchers. While there is no pre-requisite for this course, a foundational knowledge of impact analysis is recommended.

Certificates of completion and trial software codes will not be provided to attendees that leave before the class ends.


Alan Spell
Assistant Extension Professor, Division of Applied Social Sciences
University of Missouri
Neal Young
Director, Economic Analysis
Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development


Early Bird Rate (Ends Sept. 30) Standard  Rate
Premium Member $525 $665
Basic Member $600 $760
Non-member $750 $950