Puerto Rico Featured in Quarter 1, 2016 Cost of Living Index
The Council for Community and Economic Research (C2ER) is happy to announce the release of the Quarter 1, 2016 Cost of Living Index (COLI) publication. This is the first publication to feature San Juan, Puerto Rico in the official publication. 2016 marks the second year San Juan has participated in COLI’s data collection process. Grocery and utility prices appear to be the highest in the city, almost 30 and 70 percent above the U.S. national average, respectively. The Puerto Rico Institute of Statistics has assumed the responsibility of collecting the data.
The information provided by the Cost of Living Index and the COLI Calculator can help governments plan for economic development, businesses and individuals to make informed decisions before moving, and researchers to compare regions. Puerto Rico joins a long list of communities utilizing the quarterly Cost of Living Index and the COLI Calculator to make their region more enticing to business and individuals.
For more information on the Cost of Living Index and the COLI Calculator, please visit www.coli.org.